Author:Tanya Stewart, Esq.

[Fun Friday] What Can You Celebrate?

What Can You Celebrate?

I was doing a video for my Millionaire Mastermind on Celebrating. Our time together is ending and I want to know what they are doing to celebrate.

So many of my Alphas cannot SEE their own moments of genius and everyday wins.  You aren’t CELEBRATING enough!


Tanya Definition- Celebration: gratitude multiplied by joy.
When you are given good things, triumphs, progress, surprises and much needed help – your demonstration of gratitude determines whether you get MORE of them or LESS!
Example: My friend is having a dinner party. I lend her my serving dishes, hot food warmers AND wash them all after the party and pick them up. Me? Hero. She says…..casual “thank you”. Crickets in my heart. Do you volunteer to do this again next time? Hell NO.
Life is the same way. The big thank you, the ohmygoshIdidit and the high-fives celebrations are NOT OPTIONAL.
So…what can you celebrate tonight? Not next week. Not next quarter after the big sales push. Tonight.
Me? I’m going to see Daniel Escobar in concert. If you have been listening to The Voicemail, there is a haunting melody that pops on right after my audio ends. THAT’S Daniel Escobar.
He is the crazy, hyper talented violinist that reinterprets classical, pop and hip-hop on an electric violin. His music on SoundCloud Here. His Adele songs are luminous! Awaken & Freedom are my favorites.



Here’s how the Universe works.
I tell a guy about the violinist.
Guy sends me link of his recent talk show performance.
I think “hmmm, I should look to see when he’s in concert”.
Which, being human, I promptly forget to DO.
4 days later a girl in my Mastermind posts that she’s thinking about going to his Atlanta (my hometown) concert. Boom! I am provided for. We are going!
It’s even odder because I’m not really a concert person – I think I have been to a total of 4? concerts since I was 17, and one of those was a date.  Madonna, NIN, Duran Duran & can’t remember the date one. But this guy? It FELT like I should see him.
I am CELEBRATING the closing of my Mastermind with the concert.
You can celebrate without paying Ticketmaster a billion dollars. I celebrated Mother’s Day (even more cards have come in! High FIVES!) on my porch with a cup of Blueberry Merlot tea.
Celebrate a good day at work. Or the end of a bad day. Your children loving you. Your scale cooperating. Good hair. Return of the hummingbirds (I’ve got one so far). Telling yourself the truth. Not triggering and killing someone who clearly WANTS you to strangle them…
Celebrate. It’s why we all love that Kool & The Gang Song! (which has…ready? 87,437,551 views – rose 7K views while I typed)
Showing you are grateful for your good things
is asking for more good things.


P.S. I plan to have wine & chocolate (not Either Or – but Both AND) on my porch on Sunday and celebrate my new seedlings that have sprouted in defiance of my community of Alpha squirrels for whom “flower box” really means “squirrel assisted digging box.”​​​​​​​
P.P.S. I am betting we don’t do the “lighter” thing anymore! LOL!



​​​​I Show Alpha Women Entrepreneurs How to Stop Struggling in Your Relationships, Own Your Potential, Build Your Business and BALANCE IT ALL.




[Fun Friday] What Can You Celebrate? Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

[Audio] Voicemail #9 Tanya on What You Are REALLY Asking For…

You’ve Got “The Voicemail”…


My Mother’s Day was AMAZING thanks to you! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. In today’s voicemail I use that story to show you what’s really important.​​​​​​​


Play Voicemail #9 (03:35)

Tanya discusses what you are REALLY asking for (a feeling) and why that distinction matters.  


I’m 6 for 6 on fantastic holidays, by practicing what I teach you. How have your holidays been going?
P.P.S. I just listened to my voicemail, my birds are so clear in the background! It’s beautiful 🙂




​​​​​​​I Show Alpha Women Entrepreneurs How to Resurrect Relationships, Own Your Potential, Build Your Business and BALANCE It ALL. 




[Audio] Voicemail #9 Tanya on What You Are REALLY Asking For… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

[Focus] How Can Fasting Make You Money?

How Can Fasting Make You Money?


Not eating can increase your income.  Yep. And not just by saving on your grocery budget!

In this week’s training on Rejection, I taught you why the super successful people you want to emulate have less rejection – they manage their thoughts better than you.

Fasting is the choice to eat nothing, little or liquid during a time when you would normally eat and have food available.

Fasting is a CHOICE to not do what you could do.



Developing the focus to NOT do what you CAN do (restraint), simultaneously develops the confidence TO DO what it looks like you CANNOT.

Fasting exercises your control of your mind. We all perfectly aware that not eating for a day (or even 3) won’t kill us. In fact it can be biologically healthy and is more aligned with how humans were designed.

Back in the caves, food was not available at 8 am, noon, 6 pm and 9:30 for your snack.

So the TANTRUMS your mind is going to throw have nothing to do with your survival and everything to do with your COMFORT.

Newsflash: If you want something different in your life, you will need to become uncomfortable (i.e., change) to get it!

Fasting tests your ability to say No repeatedly to your temporary good and your ego’s demands, so you can achieve a greater, long term good.

Often fasting is associated with or motivated by a spiritual focus. That works. Then you are telling your spoiled, comfort seeking mind, “No, because I said so” and because are dedicating this effort to greater connection with Source.

Never done it? Try it (and no, I’m not your doctor & don’t know your medical history).

My most common fast is to fast all day, drinking lots of water and herbal tea, sometimes powdered greens (ask me who I use, they are pricey but delicious!) and then have steak and tomato for dinner.

That is the plan today. It’s BOOK DAY! I’m working on my new book, as yet untitled, The Guide for Alphas – ALL day with my best friend, while she works on her book 😉 I’ll break my fast with our favorite steak dinner!


Practice saying HELL NO to your mind. It is good for you & necessary for your dreams.


P.S. P.S. Practicing restraint builds self-confidence and your ability to tell your mind NO, we are going to do things MY way.



​​​​I Show Alpha Women Entrepreneurs How to Stop Struggling in Your Relationships, Own Your Potential, Build Your Business and BALANCE IT ALL.




[Focus] How Can Fasting Make You Money?Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

[Focus Mag] Rejection – The Big Bad Wolf



Our FOCUSRejection



Why is it, that the people who have the lives you want, NEVER seem to get rejected?


That’s because they’ve taken back the power that rejection has over them by managing their thinking. Once you do that, rejection is marked “Passed” on your curriculum and you really do get less of it going forward!


You want less rejection and more acceptance in your life? Read on & do the work!



Lecrae – American Christian Hip-Hop Artist, Songwriter, Producer

If you live for people’s acceptance, you will die from their rejection.




Today’s TRAINING:   Rejection – The Big Bad Wolf




Tanya’s Five Common Types of Rejection:


Wrongful Rejection – Someone blocks what you have earned.

Appropriate Rejection – You haven’t earned what you were seeking.

Divine Rejection – Redirection by the Universe when you are going the Wrong Way.

Expected Rejection – You decide (fear) you’ll get rejected, so you Self-Sabotage your attempt.

Self-Rejection – You don’t even don’t even try because you “know” you’ll be rejected.




Wrongful Rejection – Someone blocks what you have earned.


The first kind of rejection is the one that we focus on the most, wrongful rejection. Our focus on it is misplaced, as it is not nearly as common as your ego would have you think it is. Wrongful rejection is a lot like the way we think about violence against women.


The first thing that pops in our minds is a stranger attacking a woman in public. But most of the violence on women come from people they know, inside their own homes.


Wrongful rejection is terrible when it happens but it is not the most likely way you’ll tangle with rejection.


An example? Years ago I got on the wrong side of a very “aggressive” judge. This judge decided they did NOT like my client (I was his second attorney, long story) and wanted to punish him. The judge did something illegal and me? I objected and moved to block the order in writing.


THAT led to the Judge calling my office, getting my HOME telephone number and calling me out a shower to tell me that she was FINING ME (not her words) $1,500 that I was to pay to someone she liked or INSERT OMINOUS PAUSE threat to me.


The correct order that I submitted was of course REJECTED and the one she wanted, entered. And yes, I paid the money. Very. Very angrily.


(Happily, Universe keeps good books and I heard years after I’d left the practice this Judge was finally REMOVED from the bench!)


Wrongful rejections are rare.




Appropriate Rejection – You haven’t earned what you were seeking.


The second type of rejection is one we don’t want to talk about. This is rejection that is warranted.  You should’ve gotten rejected, because you were not qualified to receive what you were seeking to receive.


This is when your son goes out for the baseball team and hasn’t practiced all summer-so now he’s not as good as he was last year and doesn’t get the star spot.


Mostly, we are hurt by rejection when we don’t get what we want and very rarely do we stop to look to see if what we truly deserved what it was we wanted. Remember Alpha, you get what you are not what you want.


It seems to me from looking at the history of just my own country, the United States, that years ago we were more accepting of appropriate rejections. Now it appears, that the moment anyone is rejected, they instantly seek to make it a wrongful rejection without even considering whether it had merit.


I have actually had a man who didn’t believe in God, argue with me (a full time Spiritual Teacher) that I should date his atheist self because as a believer in God, I should be kinder and more open minded like my God commands and less biased against him because of his differing views! True story.


I’m fit and have had woefully unfit men argue their rejection.  Why You Should Be Ticking People Off…


Alphas. Want what you want and if it’s not what you already are, change.




Divine Rejection – Redirection by the Universe when you are going the Wrong Way.


Divine rejection has to be my favorite. It requires trust, which is why many of us struggle with this one. Divine rejection is when you’re going to wrong way and the Universe puts blocks in your path to turn you.


We are so programmed to believe that somebody is trying to take something from us that we should have that it doesn’t occur to us that we may be trying to get something that isn’t good for us or isn’t good enough for us.


Divine rejection is when God closes a door that leads to a burning building.


When your trust is solid, you can accept all rejection as redirection, even if the ‘delivery guy’ isn’t wearing angel’s wings!




Expected Rejection – You decide (fear) you’ll get rejected, so you Self-Sabotage your attempt.


Expected rejection is plain and simple your self-sabotage. This is when you expect people to reject you, so you subconsciously behave in ways that make it a lot more likely that you will be rejected.


This is the guy that’s convinced that the amazing girl couldn’t possibly be interested in him. So when he goes up to her, he has his defenses up and ends up acting like an ass.  Result? She’s not interested in him. And guess what? It’s just what he expected. That is the law. 


Expectation creates. All those stories in your head about the past where you screwed up? They help form your future expectations of failure and keep you screwing up. The rejection then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.




Self-Rejection – You don’t even don’t even TRY because you “know” you’ll be rejected.


Probably the most deadly of all the rejections and the least talked about is self-rejection – that’s where you don’t make any effort. It’s not easy to spot. You become so convinced that the world isn’t going to help you, that people ARE going to reject you, that you take NO chances.


You literally never asked the question, Will you? So you never get the know. Which means… It’s always a HELL NO!



If you are clever, and you are, you’ll notice that ALL of the rejections come from your thinking!


Expected & Self-Rejection, clearly come from your poor thinking. Appropriate rejection comes from your lack of merit, which starts with the thoughts and beliefs that prevented right actions to earn your way.


Wrongful Rejection? You just rendezvoused with a BIG JERK. What were you doing to ATTRACT this crazy person into your life? (Nope, I don’t remember what I did, but I know I did SOMETHING). So this is still you and the focus of your thinking.


4/5 you say. Nope. 5/5. Divine Rejection same deal. You have shut off your intuition, guidance, gut, small still voice – whatever you would like to name it. Your thoughts are blocking your right choices, which leads to this Divine Rejection Intervention.


All your stinking thinking leads to rejections. Now do you see why folks who have great success get rejected a lot less? They manage their minds better.


Control your thoughts, you control your words, your choices, your actions, your focus, your energy, your results and who you attract.


The rejections that you still get, won’t phase you because an Alpha in good control of her mind is self-confident, self-trusting, worthy and forgives people. She CAN be told no, but usually isn’t!


Tanya Recommends:



I told you that I love incense and I just discovered a new cool place to burn it, outside! I burn it on my front porch as I pace back and forth and work or relax!


I tend to have high end incense tastes but I wanted to share the most inexpensive incense I have found that I really like!


Gonesh #6 Perfumes of Ancient Times & Gonesh #14 Perfumes of a Mystic Forest


I have seen them at Walmart for $2.00 and just found them at a beauty supply store (I know, right?) for $1.49 a pack.


If you see the brand, give it a shot. Like anything, the more expensive the product, generally the safer it is and better the ingredients, but these are good for occasional burning.




Assume for the next 30 days that every rejection you get is merely a Divine Redirection.


Notice how easily you recover, how there is no one to “forgive” and how whatever comes next is better, an upgrade.


Rejection gets it’s sting from the stories we tell ourselves about WHY we were rejected. No bad story? No bad sting.






Rejection is all about trust that you are never kept away from that which you are ready for. When that is true, if you don’t have some good thing, it’s because you aren’t ready for it yet.


The way to get what you desire is improve, to change something about yourself.


If I asked Serena Williams onto the tennis court to play, I’d get rejected. If I want to play at that level, she doesn’t need to be kinder, I need to improve. Trust that you are always receiving your subconscious self-worth.






Wow Did You Hear?




Anna, Coaching Client Getting Results from My Affirmation


“These powerful words were given to me by my personal Business and Life Coach, Tanya Stewart.  <3  <3  <3


Whenever, I say them, my face begins to smile, because it creates in the pit of my stomach, a wide-eye feeling of excitement, wonder and anticipation. I feel like a child on Christmas morning wondering what’s there for me under the tree. The feeling is DELICIOUS!”


My Reply:


That is a LETTER perfect description of how an affirmation should make you feel JUST FROM SAYING IT!


If it makes you feel like that saying it, it WILL do its work. Too many say an affirmation that has no life or isn’t believable and look only for it’s result. Under those conditions, it’s not coming. We create and attract and manifest out of joy, expectation and faith  <3 I love you, Anna.

Talk to Tanya


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Talk to Tanya


My Mission:

I Show Alpha Women Entrepreneurs How to Stop


in Your Relationships, Own Your Potential, Build Your

Business and BALANCE IT ALL.

[Vulnerable] Sharing My Personal Dream For Mother’s Day…

Sharing My Personal Dream For Mother’s Day…


I teach you to want what you want.  To ask. There is that famous line in an even more famous book that says “Ask and You SHALL Receive.” 

I would love to receive cards for Mother’s Day! I’ve always wanted to feel a part of Mother’s Day.

I don’t have biological children but I’m a MOM! 

What is a Mother?


I stand by you. I guide you. I pray for you. I feel so much pride when you do well. If a danger comes that is bigger than you are right now, I place myself between that danger and you. I accept no B.S. I cheer for you. The intensity of my belief in you and defense of you scares even me sometimes.  

I nod my head & listen to your history of wounding. I hold space for who you can choose to become. I give you my knowledge so your journey is easier than mine was. I release you and watch you stumble, even when it hurts me, because I know THAT is how you grow strong. Sometimes, I let you kick me or hate me. And your joy IS my joy….because I’m a Mom.

I would love to get a card from you this Mother’s day if I’ve been there for you somehow. 

An email, an e-card and even better (fingers crossed) physical cards can be mailed to:

Tanya Stewart, Esq.  – 3315 S. Cobb Dr. #813038 – Smyrna, GA 30080

If you are a mom like me, that doesn’t have biological “children” or yours aren’t supportive of you, I will send YOU a card if you ASK me!

Hit reply and say “ME TOO!” Those inside the U.S. who include their physical mailing address, will get an actual, personal card from me for Mother’s Day.

Outside the US? No worries, I subscribe to BlueMountain cards!

I’m so excited to ASK for what I want, now!

Maybe I’ll get one card or 40, either way I told the Universe what I wanted and told you, whom I love and who I serve. That is ALWAYS enough…

I don’t know what will happen next, but I BET it’s something good!

Thank you for loving me and thank you for LETTING me love you = receiving.

Receiving is hard for Alphas (you have to surrender control) and receiving truth is even harder (it’s UNCOMFORTABLE). An Alpha just texted me yesterday that “some of the things you say really turn me off.”

OF COURSE THEY DO! I’m more your “Mom” than your best friend!

I’ll tell you the truth that others won’t (that’s crucial) and usually it’s new & uncomfortable.

I told her I love her enough to tell her the truth, even if that means she won’t like me or hire me. Telling you the truth about who you are being can make some Soft Alphas run away from me (Goodbye C, I loved you honey) and that has to be okay too.

Being a Mom can be hard but you keep going, you keep loving and you keep expecting something good to happen next. I do 🙂

Love you,



P.S. If you really want to “feel” a certain way on Mother’s Day, what can you do to make that happen? Who can you ask to help you? Do that. Reach out for what you want. It’s not the flowers, it’s the FEELING. Tell someone you love how you want to FEEL on that day.


P.P.S. If you have a friend without children, send her a card this Mother’s Day. She may feel left out. It doesn’t need to be a Mother’s Day card like mine, but just REMEMBER her. Women without children feel very invisible and sometimes even broken on your “big” day. That was me.



​​​​I Show Alpha Women Entrepreneurs How to Stop Struggling in Your Relationships, Own Your Potential, Build Your Business and BALANCE IT ALL.




[Vulnerable] Sharing My Personal Dream For Mother’s Day… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn