Author:Tanya Stewart, Esq.

[Corrected Link] Voicemail #6 + Bonus Lesson

Corrected Link to Voicemail #6



I use EVERYTHING to teach you! 


I screwed up the link. I’d have done it on purpose had I thought about it…Why? It gave an awesome lesson!

Which Group Did You Fall Into?



A) Hadn’t acted on today’s voicemail, so you didn’t even know the link was wrong


B) Clicked it, saw it was the wrong one and immediately moved on


C) Clicked, saw it was wrong, told me about it


D) Clicked, saw it was wrong, played around for 20 seconds and discovered that if you clicked “Fearless Focus Coaching” it opened the LIBRARY of ALL the Voicemails – got to hear today’s voicemail


If you are one of the 3 people who did D, please write me and let me know. I want to give you something to reward that excellent behavior!


Quick Lesson:



An Opportunity pops up in your life.



(A) folks aren’t paying attention or making room to take action so they MISS IT.



(B) folks spotted the opportunity, but gave up at the first obstacle/difficultly



(C) folks saw it, acted, hit a snag and reported it. I have 2 handfuls of you. Thing to notice? No one said they’d already figured out how to find it OR asked me to SEND it to them. So you alerted me (thank you) and THEN stopped. You were 90% home when you stopped! Where else do you do this?



(D) If you saw the error and put in the effort to fix it yourself so you got what you wanted, when YOU wanted it – bravo! Way to go through the obstacle!



In life, people WILL screw up. Technology WILL fail. Accidents WILL happen. Learn to keep going AROUND other people’s screw ups to get YOUR GOOD Alphas!



Below is the link to my Audio account where all the Voicemails will live. You can catch up on any you’ve missed. You can always click on my “name” Fearless Focus Coaching in the top left corner to reach this page. 


Voicemail #6 & Library of Voicemails




This was a very useful lesson! 






P.S. How you do Little things is how you do BIG THINGS :


​​​​​​​I Show Alpha Women Entrepreneurs How to Resurrect Relationships, Own Your Potential, Build Your Business and BALANCE It ALL.


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[Choices] Don’t Finish Bad Cookies!

Don’t Finish Bad Cookies!


Did you know that finishing can be BAD for you?



Shocked Reader: “What?! Seriously Tanya – bait and switch! You are always going on about how Alphas are Great Starters and POOR Finishers! I just got my ‘I FINISH’ tattoo!”


No worries. Finishing is still sacred in my world, however I have to teach you about the exception to the rule.


Don’t finish things that are:

1) Crappy  

2) a Distraction from a prior clear purpose or

3) You should never have started.


Ego tries to get you to do these things because you will fail, spin or never find what you SHOULD be doing.


I started knitting a hat with some beautiful and funky yarn. Turns out, this yarn kept changing sizes from poofy to super thin. It was a royal pain in the arse to knit with. Know what? I stopped. I stopped 2 inches into my hat and said Hell No.  Not gonna do it.


This goes DOUBLE for cookies. I stopped eating “average” desserts. Sugar is bad for you, so why should I waste my precious sugar allotment on average cookies?



Ego WANTS you to use my “Finish It” coaching on the wrong things!



Ok. Now for the million dollar question: How Do You Know When You Should Finish or Not?




I don’t have a bright line rule for you (wish I did.) It’s case by case. I don’t want you to bail on things just because they make you “feel bad.” I DO want you to dig under that bad feeling.



Are you working on something that you’ve promised yourself you’d do? Often you need to push through your resistance to finish because otherwise you set up a Pattern and Habit of not finishing.



Are you distracting yourself from some dreaded task? That’s likely to be a trap.



Ask yourself what will you gain by finishing this? Sometimes just building your “finishing muscle” is more than enough reason.



In the meantime, in the very least stop finishing bad cookies, movies or men! It is OK for you to declare that your time and happiness are worth more right NOW.



Miscellaneous other things to put on the chopping block? Bad shoe purchases (so what they are new- you DON’T like them or wear them!), crappy business partners (this won’t get better) and things you are chasing that are NOT worth catching.


If you are Efforting (Effort is the NEW Problem) and it’s not working, you might need to stop and start over. Be okay with not finishing something that is not good for you…



Ask Tanya if I’ve got a “Bad Cookie” 







P.S. Big benefit to this idea? It gets you ASKING, “Should I finish this or not?” BEFORE you are done!  So you can start catching wiggly decisions SOONER and save your energy for important things!


Your learning to say NO to things in progress but not working requires great self-love.


​​​​​​​I Show Alpha Women Entrepreneurs How to Resurrect Relationships, Own Your Potential, Build Your Business and BALANCE It ALL.




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[Focus Mag] The Power of CAN’T


The Power of CAN’T

There is tremendous power in the word ‘can’t’. It’s just not GOOD power. Right now you are probably unaware of how often “can’t” is present in your life and how it’s messing you up, blocking your money health and love.


Let’s explore the world of “can’t” together. We’ll

learn what it REALLY means and how it may be the hidden architect of your current struggles.


I can’t wait to share! (Yes. I DID have to do that

pun! You still love me anyway….)



Henry Ford – American Industrialist &

Founder of Ford


Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.













Today’s TRAINING: The Power of CAN’T


The Power of Can’t


I’m usually focusing on the positive but it is important sometimes to talk about and explore the negative, so you fully understand why you want to stay away from it.


  • Can’t versus Won’t
  • Can’t Avoids Responsibility
  • Examine Your “Can’ts” Suspiciously – Expectations Create
  • Immigrants Don’t Know “Can’t”
  • Necessity, The Big WHY & “Can’t”
  • The Can’t Answer (Cancer)


Can’t versus Won’t


You are having a party and you ask your close friend to come over and she says “Oh, I’m so sorry, I can’t.” OR “I feel like staying in, so I won’t make it.”


It’s almost a rhetorical question to ask you which one of those triggered you. We are a LOT more concerned and upset when people tell us that they WON’T do something, than when they say they CAN’T do something (even if they are lying).


So let’s look at that for a moment. Won’t implies an ability, a choice and a refusal. 


Can’t implies an inability.


The reason we are much better with our friend saying she cannot come is because we assign no responsibility when someone claims an inability.Basically, if you are physically unable to do it or it is impossible to do, we relieve you of responsibility for doing it.


Won’t is getting a bad rap here wrongly, as won’t is the place of power. Alpha, I want you to claim your won’ts (ability & choice) and not your can’ts.


Because we get a free pass from responsibility, blame and feeling uncomfortable when we claim inability – guess what’s happened? Everybody claims INABILITY instead of REFUSAL.


Won’t means you were exercising your choice – to exercise choice is power and remember I teach that the precedent of ALL power is responsibility.


Can’t Avoids Responsibility


I suspect 75%+ of the “can’ts” used in social, work and education are a false inability claimed to avoid responsibility. That’s so important I’m going to repeat that – a false inability claimed to avoid responsibility.


Here’s an example a lot of married women will recognize – or really anybody who’s ever watched a sitcom:


Woman: Honey, can you go downstairs & bring up that pink comforter for me?
Man: I don’t know where it is. (Claiming inability)
Woman: It’s downstairs on top of the piano.
Man: I didn’t see it last time I was down there. (Still claiming inability)
Woman: Can you just go down there and look? (Exasperated)
Man: I don’t see it! (Shouting from the basement)


You know how this ends up. You get up and go downstairs. You walk right to the piano, lift your finger 2 inches and point to the neon pink comforter on top of said piano.  Which he miraculously did not see. If you are smart, you refrain from comments about his vision and snakes biting people.


What happened there? He didn’t really want to do your errand, so he claimed inability. That claim of inability genuinely makes him unable see the damn pink comforter that he doesn’t WANT to see and doesn’t EXPECT to see.


Passive-aggressive people (who drive Alphas insane) LOVE the word can’t! Passive-aggressive acts are often based on claims of false inability to avoid a responsibility someone doesn’t want.


Examine Your “Can’ts” Suspiciously – Expectations Create


We are very sloppy with this dangerous word. Most of the time when you are saying that you cannot – it’s not true. You know this if you have children. If you take the last 10 things they told you they CANNOT do – you know 90% are claims of false inability to avoid responsibility or failure.


You can only teach them to do what YOU are willing to do.


Therefore, examine all of your can’ts suspiciously. You should have a presumption that “I can’t” is an attempt for you to avoid some kind of responsibility. Challenge your cannot’s. Start converting them to won’ts.


You remember my teaching on expectations. These are laws of the Universe. What you expect shapes what you actually receive, because it collapses possibilities and your ability to recognize possibilities. (No pink comforter!)


Truth? Saying can’t is a LOT more comfortable than saying won’t. Just understand the real cost of that comfort.


Immigrants Don’t Know “Can’t”


What does immigrant success have to do with the power of can’t?


Immigrants to any country excel faster than the regular citizens already present because immigrants are usually closer to the direct struggle for survival.


When you are involved in the struggle for food and shelter and basic necessities, the word “can’t” is not in your vocabulary. You simply can’t (funny that I use that word) afford to decline any opportunities, options or offers.


If your mate is offered a job working from 4 AM in the morning to 4 PM, seven days a week in order to feed you and his children – the answer is never “I can’t do that”. The answer is “thank you and when can I start?”


Ignoring whether that is fair or happy, new immigrants are generally in a place where they cannot afford to allow the pretense of inability to block survival. They tend to take more responsibility and they excel. Because they are saying yes to responsibility, they can see more opportunities to say yes to.


Because they know the difference between cannot and will not and choose to seek responsibility – they can excel faster than citizens comfortable with saying “I can’t.”


Necessity, The Big WHY & “Can’t”


Necessity is the mother of invention because extreme need erases a “can’t” mentality.


You would be surprised at what you could do if you really TRULY had to do it. If your life or your children’s lives were on the line – you would be shocked at what you could now do.


Most advancements in the modern way of living came from necessity, which overcomes the desire for comfort and the willingness to say “I cannot”. Immigrants apply this necessity to erase “cannot.” 


The Big Why – You have probably read it at least a half a dozen places that you need to have your big WHY. I’m actually leading a Think and Grow Rich based Millionaire Mastermind starting next week.  In what is the holy grail for millionaires (second most widely owned book by millionaires behind the Bible), author Napoleon Hill calls the WHY the “burning desire”.


The big why is considered critical to success because the big why is the “necessity” that puts you in a mindset of I can, I will, I’ll figure it out.  The big why is your extreme need that overcomes your desire for comfort and moves you toward action, risk & responsibility.


When you’re operating without a deep purpose that’s about you (not about somebody else), when obstacles hit, you start saying “I cannot”.


That burning desire converts your mindset from “I can’t fix that..I can’t worry about that..that’s not my job”  to “I WILL do something now and I don’t need to know HOW.”


The Can’t Answer (Cancer)


While I was working with this material (and pacing) I came around the corner and there it was big as day… Can’t as an answer is just like a cancer.


When you start letting yourself say I can’t in any one particular area of your life, it spreads and it multiplies and that mindset of false inability just rips through your life, spreading weakness & destruction.


Using can’t as an answer spreads. Both hands go up and you take one step back saying, don’t ask me… because I CAN’T. After awhile, that leads to you looking for someone else to blame for all the weakness you feel. (That’s another post.)


Examine your life and start exercising can’t from your vocabulary. It will make you uncomfortable to find a way to tell somebody that you refuse something without stating it is an impossibility to do – figure it out.


Me? I decline without reference to possibility. I may say, “That doesn’t work for me or this isn’t a good fit for me.” The more you can TELL the truth and HEAR the truth, the more powerful you are. Period.  People who cannot hear or tell the truth are weak.


I’ll close with the story of an alpha that I coach. She broke her arm almost 20 years ago. During and post recovery she told herself “I can’t do…” a laundry list of things. Fast forward 20 years and she still CAN’T.


After examination of her “can’ts”, she has just discovered that her long healed arm WILL do things she gave up on 2 decades ago! The Power of Can’t should not be underestimated.




Tanya Recommends:


Many of you need a vacation. Right now. Yet, you would tell me…

Tanya, I just CAN’T.


Yes. You. Can. You won’t.


I recommend you take one day in the next week to have a mini-vacation from your current life. Go alone or bring the family. Go do something different.


Drive to a different part of town. Find a park or museum. Challenge each family member to create a wonderful day plan costing only $20 per person including meals and see who wins. Then DO that!


Don’t tell me what you cannot do. Take a trip. Full day. ½ day. Drive around town. Tell me what you CAN DO to take a break.


Your life is RIGHT NOW. When you are old, you will regret all of your “can’ts” far more than you know.


Take a CAN Day totally outside your normal routine.


Talk to Tanya





Start noticing when you and others say, “I can’t” and dig to see if it’s actually a “won’t” disguised as a “can’t” to avoid responsibility.


Don’t worry about changing it right now. Just start noticing it. Awareness always precedes change.








If you repeat, “I can” 10x in a row you will find that you feel stronger, your pulse speeds up, voice rises and the physical state of your body shifts to get ready to DO something. This is part of our design. Avoid using weakening words when you can use words of power.

If you repeat, “I can” 10x in a row you will find that you feel stronger, your pulse speeds up, voice rises and the physical state of your body shifts to get ready to DO something. This is part of our design. Avoid using weakening words when you can use words of power.



Wow, Did You Hear?


Author & Coach Enjoys Her “VIP Day”


Within just a few hours of working together, Tanya implants a lasting effect. I acquired a new appreciation for the value of my coaching business.


Where before I was fumbling to pull the right words together, Tanya grasped a clear vision of my strengths, abilities, and skills and succinctly gave me the wording to encapsulate my transformative work.


Thanks to her coaching, I have new insight and enthusiasm for my growing coaching business.  I couldn’t be Happier! Thanks Tanya!


~  Debbie D’Aquino,  #1 Best Selling Author, Rapid Results Business Coach & Mindset Mentor


Talk to Tanya 


Spread the Word!


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Talk Tanya


My Mission:


I Show Alpha Women Entrepreneurs How to Stop Struggling 

in Your Relationships, Own Your Potential, Build Your Business and BALANCE IT ALL. 


Click Here to Visit FearlessFocusCoaching



[Change] Why Sucking is AWESOME!

Why Sucking is Awesome…



Alphas like to win. 

Ok.  I said like – meant: crave, require, demand and push for. 


At the old gym I’ve left, I was usually one of the top people in my 30 min HIIT (high intensity interval training) class. 


Now? Suckin’ eggs! Coming in slow. 


Since last week:


  • I’ve been the bottom of a Hatha Yoga class
  • Been the smear on the wall in a Vinyasa Yoga class (which as far as I can tell is Sanskrit for “Fast Ass Kicking”)
  • Almost fainted in the Boxing Class (did have good form on my punches!) and 
  • Brought up the rear today in my Boot Camp class (but I was fast on my sprints and burpees, if you know what those are).

I was proud to be one of the best dancers in the Dance Mix class, although I don’t know the instructor’s routines yet. 


New. New. And new. 


All my classes are 60 mins, all out. Me? I’ve mastered 30 mins. About 24-29 mins in I want to fade…


The people at my new luxury gym are clearly NOT F’in around with their fitness. No one is “phoning it in.”


Why am I happy that I suck? Because sucking is ALWAYS temporary unless you make it a habit!


I will work HARDER. 

I’ll STAY With it. 

I’ll ASK questions. 

I’ll BUY more cute leggings. (What? It counts. That motivates me!)


Alphas naturally become the large fish in their pond and this is NOT good for you. 


Find a bigger pond, a faster river or better yet a bay off the ocean. 


Go get in over your head. You’ll swim. 
You should always be working on something much BIGGER than you. You should always be doing something that SCARES you. 


We are Bad Asses. Go suck a little. It’s good for you. Trust me. 


(And if you need to, buy new shoes or leggings for emotional support! Except for my Alpha T, who already HAS a Lulu Lemon addiction…). 


What are you willing to SUCK AT? Let me know!






P.S. Could I use a softer word for suck? A gentle euphemism like “my new classes are challenging me?”  I could. I won’t. I know that my level right now has NOTHING to do with my WORTH and everything to do with my experience!


If you use the word suck to beat yourself up – Stop It. It can describe an experience or outcome but never use it to limit your ability to CHANGE that outcome. 




​​​​​​​I Show Alpha Women Entrepreneurs How to Resurrect Relationships, Own Your Potential, Build Your Business and BALANCE It ALL.




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[A Moment of Grace…] Peacefulness

A Moment of Grace



I woke up feeling connected and loved.


Unanxious. Unhurried. From this place these words flowed…





A Moment of Grace

If in the light, I see clearly 
a moment of grace

Birds, wild and beautiful going about their day
that I have blessed 
The invisible hand behind the feeder
The heart inside their seeds

A line of sanctuary on my land
welcoming their song and feathers

Fur and claws…their future They let me into their world while I remain safely on my front porch






To be as God is, we do as God does
Love without requirement
Protect without payment
Provide without obligation




In my giving, I receive 
a moment of grace.





Out of love, I helped three coaches yesterday. In Denmark, Colorado and Israel. It took unscheduled time. Time your head would tell you that you don’t have to spare.

I have grown generous with my help. The more generous I become, the more I have. I can look back and see how afraid I used to be to “give away” what was most valuable to me.


Alphas. Do not seek to “accomplish” something to make you happy (or make you money).


Seek to be happy now and you can accomplish almost anything (and money flows TO you, rather than you chasing it). This is the reverse of what our world teaches us. The world has this (and many other things) wrong.


This year I will demonstrate that by keeping my happiness first, all other good things shall be added unto me.


I will demonstrate that money and time and opportunities flow to a happy person sooner and stay longer. I know how to build an empire based on struggle. Did it. Didn’t like it. Gave it up.


I do not miss my $550K house I was unhappy in.
It’s taken me years to let go enough to follow my heart and trust where it’s leading me.





Can you do this too? Yes, but not yet. I can show you the path I took if you like.




It is the path of an Alpha leaving struggle behind her. If you want that, need that, won’t go to sleep again without that – you find me. It is my happiness to lead you out of struggle.



I want you to wake up and find yourself starting your day feeding birds. Taking time to listen to their songs of joy and appreciation.



Being moved to write a poem out of love and flowing into your day with your heart full and open and unafraid. And watching miracles happening around you as the natural order of the life you’ve created.


That is what I so want for you.

Can you let yourself want this too?




P.S. If you read The Power of Uncertainty Wednesday, you know I went to the luxury gym. Here’s your update: It was the right choice. I did a boxing and Hatha Yoga class back to back. I did almost faint during the boxing class!

I went all in and pushed myself hard in a too hot room but even that felt good. It felt good to go right to the edge of my limits and HOLD. Noodle arms and all, I made it through yoga next with one too many downward facing dogs.


And yes, in one pose I came up to discover I was facing the rest of the class alone – because I was facing the WRONG way. Damn Warrior 2! (Hello hot man behind me, I am skilled at yoga – NOT!).


Proud of me. The whirlpool, sauna, steamroom combo plus great Arbonne conditioner in my hair made it all up to me! Headed back Friday!


​​​​​​​I Show Alpha Women Entrepreneurs How to Resurrect Relationships, Own Your Potential, Build Your Business and BALANCE It ALL.




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