Author:Tanya Stewart, Esq.

[Success] Powerful Businesswomen Do NOT ________________

Powerful Businesswomen Do NOT _________

Rush. Powerful women don’t rush.

Why? Because they’ve built businesses that work, relationships that actually give back to them AND they make time for the healthy body they want. They look good!

Are you rushing? Worrying?
 Still trying to squeeze it ALL into one day and running out of hours to work on your own dream? Your mission?

Here’s a secret – powerful, happy women don’t have to rush and powerful happy women aren’t born that way – they were coached!

Now you can start getting what they have and the only investment is your time. $0.


It’s my gift to you,
 because I’m the founder and Leader of the online
 Alpha Woman Success Academy.

I and the other Instructors will show you how to DO those things that will get you back on track to a balanced life by creating the success that you want.

Want to know how to write Facebook ads? In the Academy.

Can’t figure out why you can do everything but lose weight? In the Academy.

Roomate marriage
? Want to date without settling?

Looking for the way to Peak Performance?

Need to close more sales maybe?…
 Get ALL that in the Success Academy HERE. 

Rush somewhere else… Don’t rush pass this. Because it’s just for YOU. It’s for Alpha women who want more out of life with less struggle.


Powerful business women don’t rush because all areas of their life are working and in balance. THAT is a learned skill. Join me in the Alpha Women Success Academy to bring that balance into your Relationships, Money and Life’s Purpose.

This is what I have been working focused, head down, ears back to build and it’s ready. The Academy OPENS Thursday, Sept 21st at 7 am EST. If you don’t sign in, you won’t see the 30 min video interviews and get some of the very useful gifts. My Instructors were very generous, several gave their entire book vs. a few chapters for instance.
This is my best one YET! The Turning Point Summit  –> Self-Love Blueprint –> Alpha Women Success Academy 🙂 

​​​​I Show Alpha Women Entrepreneurs How to Stop Struggling in Your Relationships, Own Your Potential, Build Your Business and BALANCE IT ALL.




[Success] Powerful Businesswomen Do NOT ________________Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

[Presence] Rushing is NOT Powerful

Rushing is NOT Powerful

I was sitting in my co-work place and saw a woman beautifully dressed, that had an aura of “I’ve got this” about her. She rushed by in her heels.

A bit later she sped by again. Click. Click. Click. And then later again. On the fourth pass, I stopped this stranger and told her that people wait for the powerful, the wealthy and the beautiful.

She paused, lit up and thanked me profusely. She was an Alpha and she got it right away. Later, walking by with presence she threw me a pleased smile.

If you can, recall any scene where a stunning woman is walking, is she rushing? NOPE. Strolling or sauntering. Maybe walking purposefully but not RUSHING.

The energy of RUSHING is FEAR & LACK.


The powerful have the luxury of time and choice and they use it to accommodate their schedules and preferences.

When I want to feel MORE wealthy, more beautiful, more desired or in demand – I don’t speed up…I SLOW DOWN.

Marilyn Monroe didn’t rush. I doubt Oprah rushes anymore. Jackie Kennedy Onassis, wife of a President and then billionaire shipping magnate? Nope.

What about if I’m on a deadline?

Then you P.U.S.H. ©2016, but you don’t rush.

the little things

the WHY

the Goal

Your Intuition

Rushing is NOT powerful.
We most often rush because we aren’t PLANNING well enough.

What would you have to do to set yourself up for success next week WITHOUT rushing? 

Are you WILLING to do that?
Hit Reply & Let me know!



​​​​I Show Alpha Women Entrepreneurs How to Stop Struggling in Your Relationships, Own Your Potential, Build Your Business and BALANCE IT ALL.




[Presence] Rushing is NOT PowerfulFacebook Twitter LinkedIn

[Focus Mag] Knowing & Believing- Why You Don’t ACT On What You KNOW



There is a HUGE difference between believing and knowing.

I do find many teachers use the words interchangeably. Now my teaching is no longer Knowing vs. Believing, but “What part of you is doing the KNOWING?” 

Today is a deep teaching, and not for the faint of heart (pun totally intended). If you don’t get this, no worries. If you WANT to and need help, just email me. This is jet fuel for your life.

Let’s do some good work 🙂


      Author Unknown

I can only tell you the truth, I can’t make you believe it.



Today’s TRAINING: Why You Don’t Act On What You Know

Knowing vs. Believing

There is a difference between believing and knowing.

Many teachers use the words in different ways, often with knowing being superior to believing. I use it the other way around. Here’s my teaching.

Knowing of the Head:

This is your mind’s knowledge and the ego is involved. Think, you “know math” or “know how to cook.”

Knowing of the Heart = Believing:
 (can also be called wisdom, inspiration, intuition or faith)

The Heart is connected to Source and is your link to your higher self. Think, you “believe children are innocent” or “believe sunsets are beautiful.”

The “Battle” Is For The Free Agent, The Subconscious.

The subconscious is the home of EXECUTION, where all of your programming lives. It carries out it’s Commander’s orders without question. It follows patterns and runs things on a continuous loop. It does not KNOW anything or BELIEVE anything, so it can EXECUTE anything, good or bad, fearlessly. Think, perfect soldier.

There is only knowing. Either the mind knows or the heart knows, but the EFFECT of those knowings are vastly different!

When the heart knows, the effect is Believing and it leads to receiving.

When the mind knows, the effect is controlling or questioning, doubting and seeking evidence. These all lead to taking and controlling but NOT receiving.

When your subconscious is aligned with what your heart knows, you act in full faith and without crippling fear.
 You act out of love and are perceived as inspired.

When your subconscious is taking it’s directions from your mind, it requires evidence and proof continually so it starts, stops, doubts, wonders, starts again, stops again.


Hearts Cannot Lie (But Your Subconscious Kinda Can!)

I have a friendly debate with a friend of mine about the heart, subconscious and the mind. He says that the heart can lie. I think it’s a wording issue. Today, I am finally able to bring through what MY heart knows of this matter.

The heart is connected to Source energy and therefore cannot lie. The heart knows what it knows – the question is can you allow what your heart knows? When you are allowing what your heart knows, you are believing.

Lots of ancient texts will use the word “heart” for the word “subconscious”, watch out for that. For example, the biblical quote that ‘out of your heart, comes the issues of your life.’  That is saying, out of your programming come your life’s events. Clearer now.

The subconscious accepts all programming.
 If it is slaved to the mind, then it will accept, allow and execute programming that is consistent with fear. This subconscious would be the servant of the ego, which leads it to replicate, support and ignore lies and fear the truth (exposure).  

“I Know It With My Head, But Don’t Believe It Yet…”

Very common issue I hear when I’m coaching Alphas is: I know something with my head, but I just can’t get it into my heart. I know it but I don’t believe it yet. 

Here is the truth even though it’s a little harder to understand. That statement is not accurate. Why?

You are not trying to get knowledge down from your mind into your heart.
 The heart is connected to Source energy, all that is. It actually already HAS all the knowledge that you’re seeking.

You are actually trying to get heart knowledge UP from your heart, into your head! The head acts like a fairly aggressive sentry, blocking access to the subconscious so it can maintain it’s dictatorship.  IF the head agrees, it just unlocks the door and passes the programming on down. Bam, it gets executed.

If the head disagrees, it makes it very, very hard for you to rewrite the program
 it has the subconscious running.

We have all been trying to do this the wrong way! (Me included. I discovered this less than 2 years ago!)

What If Your HEART Hel
d All The Answers?

Play with this idea – imagine that your heart actually has access to whatever answer it is you’re seeking.

 that were true, you wouldn’t be trying to convince your heart of anything! You would actually be attempting to allow in what the heart already knows, instead of trying to convince the heart of something that YOU know. Instead of PUSHING, you’d be PULLING.

Haven’t you always read those annoying clichés about, everything you need is already inside of you??

Well fudge, that was true. 

Think for a moment, there are times in your life where you have just known things that you just couldn’t KNOW. That was a moment when you tapped into your heart’s knowledge. Basically, your heart has DSL to infinite wisdom and your mind has dial up with a 1200 baud modem. 

Believing Is About RECEIVING From Your Heart

Believing is about relaxing into the idea that you don’t have to fight to get the answer. It’s about trusting that if your heart knows something is so, you don’t actually need to see evidence of it to safely agree with it.

I love Dr. Wayne Dyer. And he taught so clearly in his book, “You’ll See It When You Believe It.”  Again, this great teacher noticed that we had it backwards!

It is your mind that says, I’ll believe it when (after) I see it. But the laws of creation and energy and dominion, say, you’ll see it once (after) you have first believed it. By your faith it is done unto you.

I am telling you today that the believing that you are to be doing is the allowing/receiving of the information that your heart already has access to

When I go to write these trainings for you, in the beginning I thought of myself as creating them. That was harder. I now understand that I more accurately transcribe them, because I receive them from my heart. Waaayyy easier.

Alphas struggle with control issues because we really want to “KNOW” how to do it, when to do it and why to do it. That desire for control makes accessing your heart’s knowledge difficult because you need to be in a RECEIVING mode to “get” from your heart. It gives, you receive.

It’s like Alphas go to the pump to get water, but we don’t bring a bucket! We come to the pump and we stare at it and simply demand and command water but we aren’t prepared to receive it! 

Can you “open your heart” to receive your heart’s knowing without the world’s evidence?

All that which we are now seeing, came from nothing which is seen. 

Deep? Yes. Important? Immensely. 

When you know with your heart – you are believing.
 That believing requires no evidence, because it’s source is Infinite wisdom. That believing is the basis of faith. 

(There simply is nothing better than the moment where I stop resisting being up late and let myself sink into a place of gratitude to be receiving what I’msupposed to teach. When I drop control, I can receive and “allow” in a discovery to share.)

Tanya Recommends:

This one is easy. Back up your computer. It’s kind of like birth control in an odd way. The very best kind, you don’t have to stop and think about or remember. If you have to remember, you COULD forget and the results can be SERIOUS.
Not getting anything to share this company with you. This is who I use and I feel SAFE!
When did I get FIRST get them? Oh, about 3 weeks after my laptop and ipad were stolen in Mexico.
Let’s not have that be you. There are probably a lot of folks in the path of the hurricanes that did NOT have a laptop backup. I only had to lose a short book I’d written and family photos ONCE to learn!
Carbonite is usually $60/year and gives unlimited cloud storage for one computer. It backs up automatically, continuously. Best part? You can get your files back if lost AND if you are traveling and need something from your laptop, you can get at the files then too!
I used it to transfer EVERY piece of data (120 GB) to my brand new empty laptop!
Nuff said. If you are still reading this, secure your computer.
P.S. About 2 weeks before my stuff was stolen I kept noticing their ads and sadly thought it was a little pricey! After all, I had my files on my laptop AND ipad, so THAT was alright…HA!




The easiest way to tell what you believe is the watch what you DO. You invariably behave consistent with what you BELIEVE, not what you KNOW (with your head). Teenagers KNOW drinking and driving is dangerous but do they believe that? Clearly, they do NOT. Check yourself. Do you know X or BELIEVE X? Just telling yourself the truth about what you discover puts you on the right path.



When your heart and mind agree, I think of it as a different interpretation of the bible saying, “where two of YOU agree”. Where the two of you, heart AND mind agree, it is done because at that point there is no longer any resistance. Some folks call that alignment. 

It is not a daily experience but you can improve your life greatly by always seeking to tell yourself the truth about where your mind is on an issue and where you heart is. When they are divided, the “house cannot stand.” If you spent one month, 30 days, opening to receive your heart’s knowing on something before trying to undertake actions on it, you would find that when you acted, it was much easier.

Wow Did You Hear?


An Alpha in Alpha Group Coaching just got a non-holiday, personal bonus, 8X the size of her Christmas bonus because she is FINALLY showing up confident and sharing what she knows
She is getting paid to be MORE of who she IS.
Go Alpha!

Talk to Tanya


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Talk to Tanya


My Mission:

I Show Alpha Women Entrepreneurs How to Stop


in Your Relationships, Own Your Potential, Build Your

Business and BALANCE IT ALL.

Rosary I FOUND While Praying

[Truth] Sharing A Miracle, Need A Favor…


Sharing A Miracle, Need A Favor…


Today I’m sharing a story that shows how I use exactly what I TEACH YOU to handle problems and the Miracle that just arrived…

If you’ve been watching, I’m building my 3rd Global Event (It may be how you found me originally!). This one is for Alphas of course! So it means I’m spinning an awful lot of plates right now.

wGot the book, The Alphas Guide to Life, to the editor. Working on the design of an 8 week Online course for Alphas and building the free “Alpha Women Success Academy: How to Get Your Money, Your Man and Your Mission. NOW.”


I pushed to get everything tested and working from a tech side for the Academy before anyone arrived. Same way you hurry to get house clean before the guests get there! This morning a friend wrote me that one of my links to join the Academy, WASN’T WORKING.

First, I noticed that I didn’t panic, blame or get angry. I had 4 devices open to try to repeat the error. My assistant had her devices open. With great hoopla, I finally saw it fail. Called GoDaddy (awesome company!) for support to learn it was the other large company, LeadPages (also good).

And…Nothing. Crickets. No one could get it to repeat so they couldn’t “fix” it.

What did I do?
 After 3 hours noticed that doing anything else would be STRUGGLING and I teach the way to SUCCESS is SURRENDER. I did all I could so I…went for a 2 mile walk.

I walked and prayed and used my best affirmations. I knew the glitch was about me or FOR ME somehow (notice, no blaming). I began to feel better and better. I knew I was loved and guided and I asked my guardian angel to send me a sign please.

The Universe is happy to send you signs and they will use what YOU would view as a sign to communicate with you.

I looked down just as I asked and saw something in the dirt on the side of the road. Something blue…and green. I picked up two beads. Blue and green are my business colors and blended together they make TEAL my new FAVORITE color.

Before I could rejoice, I felt I should look again.  Covering almost 10 feet, I picked up the scattered pieces of a bracelet rosary! With the crucifix!

God still gives signs. Miracles still happen and yes, you can ASK for one. Some would count this as a “small” miracle but miracles do not have a SIZE.

What was I affirming before my miracle?
  • That I was doing all that I knew to do.
  • Willing to do whatever was necessary.
  • And that I was asking for guidance and would give immediate obedience to whatever I was shown to do…therefore, since I’d covered the process, the outcome could be safely SURRENDERED.

That is EXACTLY what I taught in The Success Jump Start Kit that is an immediate gift when you join the Alpha Academy online event.


I have a favor to ask. The favor is my 2nd miracle. I need to send traffic to my site to test that it’s working and that folks can get registered and get the Success Kit immediately BEFORE my instructors send more traffic and maybe hit that glitch (I may have lost some folks today).

If you want to see what I’m up to, get The Success Kit and help me out by testing it – I would be grateful. Just click a photo.

These Instructors and the content has me in awe. The gifts are generous. I just feel blessed to be building this for you.
please send me the info with a screenshot!!! I appreciate it.


P.S. It is possible the glitch was to get me to this rosary. If so, then all is well and there is nothing TO fix! 

I make jewelry and I WILL repair the rosary God sent me! 



​​​​I Show Alpha Women Entrepreneurs How to Stop Struggling in Your Relationships, Own Your Potential, Build Your Business and BALANCE IT ALL.




[Truth] Sharing A Miracle, Need A Favor…Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

[Audio] Voicemail #16 Tanya Says Start LATE…


You’ve Got Voicemail…


Start something “late”. Start it with NOT enough time to do it. You’ll turn competitive and begin what you were dreading doing!







P.S. 5 minutes to my Alpha Group call, I got this audio uploaded and post laid out. I felt like a million bucks! 

You can artificially “create wins” for yourself like this. Meeting and exceeding little challenges you give yourself is HUGE. Basically, daring yourself to do something and then showing up is an instant shot of “self-love.” 




​​​​​​​I Show Alpha Women Entrepreneurs How to Resurrect Relationships, Own Your Potential, Build Your Business and BALANCE It ALL. 



[Audio] Voicemail #16 Tanya Says Start LATE…Facebook Twitter LinkedIn